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about me

I am a manifestation coach, teaching visionaries and change-makers to upgrade into their dream life using Multidimensional techniques & elevated manifestation.


I've gone from a place of no career, zero money, toxic relationships, chronic illness & a deep inner struggle..

To now having my own business, a thriving community of visionaries on YouTube, healings in my body, my dream partner & relationship and more abundance.


I realised that in order to live my next level life, I had to BECOME the next level life. I had to elevate to a new frequency and embody the new me, the new level, the new energy. And once I dropped the 'fixing' and started stepping into this higher consciousness - magic unfolded.

I now live a life I used to dream about.

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I basically realized I had to be the new version of me. I had to shift into the new reality - instead of trying to "fix" the old one. That's when things changed.

My Mission

My mission is to help powerful visionaries to step into their highest expansion and start living their next level life NOW. Using quantum shifting methods and elevated manifestation to anchor you in at the highest frequency - and the side effect of that is total abundance in all areas & a life you're absolutely obssessed with.

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